Tuesday, June 10, 2008

bible wordings

This wording has been sent by one of my friend ..its from bible...so its nice check out and read fully..........

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on you own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Many a time we attempt to do something and find ourselves achieving nothing. We then put down ourselves by calling ‘ I am a loser”. Nevertheless, most times the fact is that we try to do things according to our wisdom not considering God's will. As children of God we are expected to abide in His word. When we abide in Jesus, we will always be doing things according to His will and then we can't be anything but fruitful and victorious. Not losers. We are destined to be clothed with strength and dignity. It's foolish to lose our higher calling by following our limited understanding. A lot of us know today's BVD but how many of us remember to align ourselves up with that powerful piece of wisdom. Learn to trust Jesus with even the smallest matters in your life. We may not know everything God has in store for us, but when we know Christ we know that Yahweh is in supreme control. This matter of fact is all we need to be at peace. Because He is Lord of all things, our Protector, our Yahweh-Nissi, we need not fear.